How to not give up

While many aspects of our lives are beyond our control, how you deal with them is your decision – a decision that you make every day of your life. Giving up, is a choice. When do you know it’s wiser to give up than to keep going? Simple answer: when there is no peace inContinue reading “How to not give up”

Be a Ruler

Self-doubt? Sorry, goodbye. Limited thinking? Eh, sorry-goodbye. Self-pity and polluted thoughts? Au revoir. Who are you spending time with? Who are you listening to? Quit spending time with ENERGY SUCKERS. Do you have people like that in your life? Those that dwell on the negative things that have happened to them, and then they comeContinue reading “Be a Ruler”

How to beat bitterness

Is the root of resentment stealing your peace? Do you feel like you can’t move on from the hurt? Are the sleepless nights affecting your day? Then, bitterness has knocked into your life and it wants to stay. Do you feel your heart is being consumed by the offense you received? You probably feel youContinue reading “How to beat bitterness”

How to make right decisions

Some decisions are awkward and even unpleasant to make. You wish you had enough wisdom to be sure that you are on the right path. You look at the sky as if trying to find a sign from a higher power (call it the universe, destiny, or whatever your beliefs are, in my case God),Continue reading “How to make right decisions”

How to forgive a betrayal

If you have arrived at this post, it’s probably because you got to the point in your life where you realized that holding on to grudges of those that destroyed your trust is worthless. Regardless of their behavior in the future, and whether they are truly sorry or just said sorry because its the “rightContinue reading “How to forgive a betrayal”

Why Forgive a betrayal

If you are here browsing for the answer to this heavy question, it’s probably because you can’t find peace in your heart. I get it, sleepless nights, tears coming down… The pain in your chest that doesn’t allow you to even enjoy your meals… Sadness that consumes your day. You are at your school, workContinue reading “Why Forgive a betrayal”