How to find your power.

Sometimes we cry out desperately, wanting to automatically tele-transport ourselves to the place we dreamt we would be in life. Reality has hit you directly in the face, now you know that things can’t be changed just because you wish it. You have to work HARD for it. But, where do you get that strengthContinue reading “How to find your power.”

Why me?

Someone has pulled the rug from under you, a painful and disappointing event has knocked at your door like an unexpected guest. You were not ready for it, it hurts too much and you can’t have yourself thinking straight. That just happened, and now what? Who’s gonna help me with the oceans of thoughts, andContinue reading “Why me?”

How to overcome rejection

A rejection is a painful wound that changes your perspective of life in so many ways, specially if the hurt comes from the people that are supposed to love us. A rejection is a mark on your heart and a struggle in your thoughts. That is why it is so important that we overcome, heal,Continue reading “How to overcome rejection”